Компания Samsung уже не первый год радует покупателя своими мобильными устройствами. В ее модельном ряду есть устройства разного класса: от бюджетных до премиум. Как показало время, повышенным спросом пользуются гаджеты с ценой до 10 000 рублей. Учитывая их популярность, сегодняшний обзор хотелось бы посвятить смартфону «Самсунг Галакси Кор 2 Дуос G 355Н». Он является отличным представителем сегмента недорогих телефонов. Покупатели были приятно удивлены, узнав о достойной функциональности данного гаджета. Конечно же, флагманские задачи ему не под силу, но для повседневного использования аппарат подходит идеально. По мнению владельцев, производитель смог добиться оптимального соотношения стоимости и качества.

Какими характеристиками и особенностями обладает смартфон? Какие технологии использовал производитель? Ответы на эти вопросы можно найти в статье.

Комплект поставки и упаковка

Для упаковочной коробки корейского телефона Samsung Galaxy Core 2 Duos за основу был использован рисунок натурального дерева. Также дизайнеры смогли воспроизвести природность оттенков цветовой палитры. В левом верхнем углу лицевой панели красуется логотип компании. Напротив него имеется информация о том, что аппарат работает с двумя сим-картами. В нижней части лицевой панели представлено полное название смартфона. На одной боковой грани имеется серийный индивидуальный номер устройства и информация о стране, в которой производилась сборка. На другой подробно расписаны основные характеристики устройства.

Что же находится внутри этой коробки? Комплект поставки можно смело назвать стандартным. По ассортименту элементов легко понять, что телефон относится к бюджетному сегменту. Все, что будет доступно пользователю, - зарядное устройство, аккумуляторная батарея и кабель USB. В комплекте также имеется инструкция. «Самсунг Галакси Кор 2 Дуос» продается с гарантией, поэтому необходимо проверить наличие талона. Он должен заполняться продавцом непосредственно в день продажи. Среди документации можно увидеть перечень аксессуаров и адресов сервисного центра.


Внешнее оформление смартфона довольно типично как для современных мобильных устройств. Однако если посмотреть более детально, то оригинальные «самсунговские» черты дизайна просматриваются четко. Пользователи утверждают, что спутать телефон «Самсунг Галакси Кор 2 Дуос» с аппаратом другого бренда практически невозможно.

Корпус прямоугольный, углы немного закруглены. Производитель выбрал для основных поверхностей недорогой материал - пластик. По всему периметру телефона проходит рамка серебристого цвета, изготовленная из металла. Она же и обрамляет экран, придавая дизайну оригинальности. Данный материал также повлиял на формирование веса. При габаритах 13,03 × 6,9 × 0,98 см смартфон весит практически 140 г.

На лицевой панели пользователь не увидит новых элементов. Здесь имеется экран. Рамка, обрамляющая дисплей, меняет оттенок в зависимости от цвета корпуса. Утолщается она в верхней и нижней сторонах. Такое решение использовано для того, чтобы расположить важные элементы. Речь идет о решетке динамика, сенсорах, «окошечке» фронтальной камеры, панели управления. Последняя оснащена тремя клавишами. Одна из них механического типа, остальные - сенсорного.

Задняя панель ярко выделяется особенностью покрытия. Крышка изготовлена из пластика, но ее поверхность имитирует натуральную кожу. Такое решение принято пользователями на отлично. В руке лежит очень удобно, не скользит. Покрытие задней панели на ощупь довольно приятное. Функциональные элементы расположены только в верхней половине. Здесь находится отверстие динамика, объектив основной камеры и вспышка. Не обошлось и без логотипа. На крышке черного цвета надпись представлена белым, а серебристый оттенок использован в аппаратах с белым корпусом.

«Самсунг Галакси Кор 2 Дуос»: характеристики экрана

Одним из главных элементов смартфона, конечно же, является дисплей. В данной модели из-за снижения себестоимости производитель отдал предпочтение скромным характеристикам экрана. В его основе заложена классическая матрица типа TFT TN. Это говорит о том, что владельцам придется ограничиться плохими углами обзора. Также такая матрица характеризуется слабой цветопередачей. На улице при ярком солнце информация, выводимая на экран, становится практически нечитабельной. Антибликовое покрытие отсутствует в виду бюджетности устройства.

Сам экран имеет диагональ, равную 4,5ʺ. Разрешение, как для современных смартфонов, очень маленькое - всего 800 × 480 рх. Картинка отображается недостаточно хорошо. Заметны искажения цветности и четкости. Регулировать яркость можно только вручную. Датчик для автоматической настройки в телефоне отсутствует. О качестве сенсора говорят многие пользователи. Практически у 80% владельцев проблемы с его работой начались уже после года эксплуатации. Важно обратить внимание на то, что девайс необходимо оберегать от попадания влаги. При проникновении хотя бы одной капельки воды работоспособность сенсора будет нарушена. Пользователи заметили, что телефон самостоятельно начинает открывать/закрывать приложения, перегружаться, причем даже набирать номера из адресной книги.

На данный смартфон нельзя установить самые современные игры, но простенькие работают отлично. Мультитач, который поддерживает до пяти одновременных касаний, позволит работать с аппаратом без явных ограничений.

В заводской комплектации экран защищен пленкой. Однако пользоваться телефоном с ней будет неудобно, так как на ее поверхности представлены краткие характеристики. Если владельцы хотят продлить работу сенсора и защитить экран, понадобится дополнительно приобрести специальную прозрачную пленку.


«Самсунг Галакси Кор 2 Дуос», как и многие другие модели корейского производителя, работает на процессоре торговой марки Spreadtrum. Чип SoC SC7735 идеально подходит для «бюджетников». Эту модель считают аналогом тайванского процессора MT6582. Их характеристики практически идентичны. Чипсет функционирует на четырех вычислительных модулях. Его производительность ограничивается тактовой частотой в 1200 МГц, причем это максимум, на что способен девайс.

Процессор установлен в паре с графическим акселератором Mali 400. Эта модель видеокарты не отличается высокими показателями, однако способна выводить на экран картинку с разрешением 800 × 480 точек. Из-за таких показателей графические настройки на максимальных отметках пользователю будут недоступны. Но для анимированных тем или просмотра картинок (фото) их вполне достаточно.

Возможности камеры

«Самсунг Галакси Кор 2 Дуос» фото делает невысокого качества. Причиной этому слабое разрешение матрицы. Основная оптика представлена покупателю, как 5-мегапиксельная камера. Однако если провести тестирование, то результаты несколько не дотягивают до такого разрешения. Для того чтобы фото было качественным, придется проводить съемки только на улице при дневном освещении. Например, зимний или летний пейзаж получается практически без шумов. Для увеличения возможностей производитель предусмотрел автофокус и вспышку. Максимальный размер сделанной фотографии основной камерой составляет 2592 × 1944 рх. В смартфоне также имеется режим записи видео. Его скорость в секунду ограничивается 30 кадрами. Максимальное разрешение - 720 × 480 рх.

К сожалению, модуль фронтальной камеры имеет очень слабые характеристики. В ее основе заложена 0,3-мегапиксельная матрица. Понятно, что о селфи даже мечтать не стоит. Пользователи советуют в этих целях использовать основную камеру, подгоняя видоискатель. Как правило, «фронталка» подходит только для разговоров по видеосвязи.


Аккумулятор для «Самсунг Галакси Кор 2 Дуос» подбирался разработчиками, исходя из ограничений стоимости. Именно в бюджетном сегменте имеется много аппаратов, которые оснащаются элементами питания емкостью 2000 мАч. На первый взгляд, такого ресурса недостаточно для полноценной работы смартфона. Но при небольшом экране, который установлен в данной модели, заряд расходуется довольно экономно. Для достижения 100-процентного заряда при разряженном аккумуляторе понадобится затратить от 3 до 4 часов, при условии использовании оригинального зарядного устройства.

Пользователи утверждают, что при совершении звонков смартфон проработает около 2 дней. В режиме просмотра интернет-страниц заряжать аккумулятор придется через 10 ч. Столько же времени можно записывать и проигрывать видео. При играх батарея сядет за 5 ч. Если отключить сеть и использовать телефон в роли плеера, то срок автономной работы составит 30 ч.

Хранилище памяти

«Самсунг Галакси Кор 2 Дуос» - типичный «бюджетник», об этом свидетельствует объем оперативной памяти. Он составляет всего 768 Мб. Конечно же, тем людям, которые привыкли использовать весь потенциал смартфона по максимуму, таких показателей очень мало. Однако решение повседневных задач телефону вполне под силу.

Теперь стоит рассмотреть хранилище родной памяти. Именно оно позволит пользователям скачивать приложения, музыку и прочее. В характеристиках производитель указывает 4 Гб, однако на деле будет доступно не больше половины. Для того чтобы компенсировать нехватку места, разработчики предусмотрели поддержку карт памяти. Аппарат работает с внешними накопителями, объем которых не превышает 64 Гб.


«Самсунг Галакси Кор 2 Дуос» оснащен всеми интерфейсами, которые необходимы для передачи и получения информации. Аппарат работает с сетями GSM и 3G. Для подключения к Интернету предусмотрен Wi-Fi. Беспроводной способ передачи данных «Блютуз» также имеется в данной модели. В смартфоне предусмотрена поддержка навигационных систем A-GPS, GPS, ГЛОНАСС. Так же как и у других подобных устройств, у модели имеются стандартный аудиопорт и разъем microUSB.

Операционная система и софт

«Самсунг Галакси Кор 2 Дуос» работает на самой популярной операционной системе - «Андроиде». Разработчики использовали версию 4.4.2. При первом включении предусмотрен автоматический запуск мастера настроек. С помощью этой программы можно за считанные секунды выставить язык и изменить время. Также при желании пользователю предлагается зарегистрировать аккаунты в социальных сетях, создать почту и прочее. При первоначальном подключении к Интернету происходит обновление некоторых файлов операционной системы. Те пользователи, которые не хотят их устанавливать, могут в настройках внести соответствующие изменения, выбрав пункт «Всегда спрашивать».

Телефон «Самсунг Галакси Кор 2 Дуос»: отзывы владельцев

Напоследок ознакомим читателей с отзывами реальных владельцев. Именно они помогут дать правдивую оценку смартфону. По их мнению, телефон получился отличный. В нем достаточно функционала, со всеми повседневными задачами он справляется. Характеристики скромные, уже в 2015 г. можно было встретить гаджеты с большим объемом памяти или лучшим процессором. Но ценители бренда все равно не стали изменять своим привычкам.

Отличная модель

Достоинства телефона Экран, приличная скорость работы, современная ОС, цена и все остальное. Недостатки телефона: Не всегда уверенный прием

Комментарий о телефоне:

Думаю не ошибусь, если скажу, что за свои деньги альтернативы на сегодняшний момент телефон не имеет. Использую почти месяц.
Абсолютно современная модель, хотя и содержит некоторые компромиссы. так, отсутствуют датчики освещения и разговора, небольшой объем оперативной и жесткой памяти для 2014го года (хотя у меня на ПК лет семь назад было столько же).
В целом работает быстро и плавно, все приложения запускаются и идут без проблем.
Минусом является, пожалуй, периодические сложности с приемом, когда установлено 2 сим-карты. Когда одна - проблем не возникает, когда 2 - может пару раз в день потерять и заново найти сеть. А также не всегда быстро включается в работу при включении Яндекс Навигатора: либо GPS ищет долго, либо мобильную сеть ловит слабо - поэтому проще перезагрузить.
Перезагружается очень быстро. В пределах 20-30 секунд, после чего все, как правило, готово к работе, хотя, возможно, это потому, что я еще не успел его как следует загадить:)
В общем, кому нужен приличный современный смартфон за умеренную цену, чуть превышающую "китайские аналоги" - покупайте, будете довольны.

Отзыв №2 о телефоне Samsung Galaxy Core 2 Duos SM-G355H/DS

Отличная модель

Опыт использования телефона: менее месяца

Достоинства телефона Быстрый, мощный. Экран хоть и TN, но яркий как IPS у бюджетников.
Камера хорошая, вспышка очень яркая (в режиме фонарика отлично светит) Недостатки телефона: Нет датчика приближения и при начале разговора экран автоматически блокируется. Но для удобства завершения вызова в спец возможностях установил вешать трубку на клавишу вкл/выкл, и не нужно тыкать пальцем в экран чтоб разблокировать и затем повесить трубку
Нет плёнки на экране
Нет никаких картинок для фона
Не пойму как виджеты ставить

ww w .samsung.c om User Manual SM-G355H/DS SM-G355H ...

  • Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H - page 2

    2 About this manual This device pr ovides high qualit y mobile communication and en ter tainment using Samsung ’ s high standards and technolog ical exper tise. This user manual is specially designed t o detail the device ’ s functions and features .  Please read this manual bef ore using the device to ensur e safe and pr oper use.  ...

  • Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H - page 3

    About this manual 3  Default applications that come with the device ar e subjec t to updates and ma y no longer be suppor ted without prior notice . If you have questions about an applica tion provided with the device , contact a Samsung Ser vice Centre . F or user-installed applications , contact ser vice pro viders.  Modifying the dev ...

  • Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H - page 4

    About this manual 4 T rademarks  SAMSUNG and the SAMSUNG logo ar e regist ered trademarks of Samsung Electronics.  Bluetooth ® is a regist ered trademark of Bluetooth SIG, Inc. worldwide .  Wi-F i ® , Wi-F i Prot ected Setup ™ , Wi-F i Direct ™ , Wi-F i CER TIFIED ™ , and the Wi-F i logo are regist ered trademarks of the W ...

  • Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H - page 5

    5 T able of C onten ts Getting star ted 7 Device lay out 8 Buttons 9 P ack age contents 10 Installing the SIM or USIM card and battery 14 Charging the ba tter y 16 Inser ting a memor y card 18 T ur ning the device on and off 19 Holding the device 19 Locking and unlock ing the device 19 Adjusting the v olume 19 Switching t o silent mode 20 Using dua ...

  • Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H - page 6

    T able of Con tents 6 85 SIM card manager (dual SIM models) 86 More networks 87 Lock scr een 87 Sound 88 Display 89 Call 90 Storage 90 P ower saving mode 90 Battery 91 Application manager 91 Loca tion 91 Securit y 92 Language and input 95 Backup and reset 95 Add ac count 95 Date and time 96 Ac cessibility 97 Ac cessories 97 Printing 97 About device ...

  • Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H - page 7

    7 Getting star ted Devic e lay out Microphone T ouch screen Earpiece Multipurpose jack Home button Recent apps button P ower button F ront camera Back button V olume button Main antenna Speaker Headset jack GPS antenna Rear camera Flash Back cov er ...

  • Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H - page 8

    Getting star ted 8  Do not cov er the antenna ar ea with your hands or other objects. This may cause connectivity problems or drain the battery .  Using a Samsung-appro ved scr een protector is rec ommended. Unapprov ed screen protectors may cause the sensors t o malfunc tion.  Do not allow water t o contac t the touch scr een. Th ...

  • Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H - page 9

    Getting star ted 9 P ack age c ont ents Check the product box f or the following items:  Device  Battery  Quick star t guide  The items supplied with the devic e and any a vailable accessories ma y var y depending on the region or service provider .  The supplied items ar e designed only for this device and may not be ...

  • Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H - page 10

    Getting star ted 10 Installing the SIM or USIM card and batt er y Inser t the SIM or USIM card provided b y the mobile telephone ser vice provider , and the included battery . Only microSIM car ds work with the device . 1 Remove the back c over . Be careful not to damage y our finger nails when you r emove the back cov er . Do not bend or twist the ...

  • Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H - page 11

    Getting star ted 11 2 Dual SIM models: Inser t the SIM or USIM card with the gold-coloured contacts facing down wards . Inser t the primar y SIM or USIM card into SIM card slot 1 (1) and the secondar y SIM or USIM card int o SIM card slot 2 (2). 1 2 Single SIM models: Inser t the SIM or USIM card with the gold-coloured con tacts facin ...

  • Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H - page 12

    Getting star ted 12  Do not remov e the protective tape cov ering the antenna, as this can damage the antenna.  Do not inser t a memor y card into the SIM car d slot. I f a memor y card happens t o be lodged in the SIM card slot, take the devic e to a Samsung Ser vice Centr e to remov e the memor y card.  Use caution not to lose o ...

  • Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H - page 13

    Getting star ted 13 Removing the SIM or USIM car d and battery 1 Remove the back c over . 2 Dual SIM models: P ull out the battery , and then the SIM or USIM card. Single SIM models: P ull out the SIM or USIM card. ...

  • Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H - page 14

    Getting star ted 14 Char ging the ba tter y Use the charger t o charge the battery before using it f or the first time. A computer can be also used to charge the devic e by connecting them via the USB cable. Use only Samsung-appro ved chargers , batteries, and cables. Unappr oved chargers or cables can cause the battery to explode or damage the dev ...

  • Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H - page 15

    Getting star ted 15  The device can be used while it is char ging , but it may take longer to fully char ge the battery .  If the device receiv es an unstable power supply while charging , the touch screen may not function. If this happens, unplug the charger from the devic e.  While charg ing, the devic e may heat up . This is no ...

  • Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H - page 16

    Getting star ted 16 Reducing the batter y c onsumption Y our device provides options that help y ou save ba tter y pow er . By customising these options and deactivating featur es in the background, y ou can use the device longer between charges:  When you ar e not using the device, switch to sleep mode b y pressing the P ower butt on.  ...

  • Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H - page 17

    Getting star ted 17 1 Remove the back c over and ba tter y . 2 Inser t a memor y card with the gold- colour ed contacts facing downw ards . 3 Replace the battery and back cover . Removing the memor y card Befor e removing the memory card, first unmount it f or safe remo val. On the Home scr een, tap → Settings → Stor age → Unmount SD card . 1 ...

  • Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H - page 18

    Getting star ted 18 F ormatting the memor y card A memor y card f or matted on a c omputer may not be c ompatible with the device . F ormat the memor y card on the device . On the Home screen, tap → Settings → Stor age → F ormat SD card → F ormat USB storage → Erase ev er ything . Befor e formatting the memory card, remember t o make back ...

  • Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H - page 19

    Getting star ted 19 Holding the devic e Do not cov er the antenna ar ea with your hands or other objects. This may cause connectivity problems or drain the ba tter y . L ock ing and unlock ing the devic e When not in use, lock the devic e to prevent un wanted operation. P ressing the P ower button turns off the screen and puts the device int o lock ...

  • Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H - page 20

    Getting star ted 20 U sing dual SIM or USIM cards If you inser t two SIM or USIM cards , you can have two phone numbers or service providers f or a single device . A c tivating SIM or USIM car ds On the Home screen, tap → Settings → SIM card manager . Drag one or both of the switches f or the SIM or USIM cards to the right. If both cards are ac ...

  • Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H - page 21

    21 Basics Indicator ic ons The icons displa yed at the t op of the screen pr ovide inf ormation about the status of the device . The icons list ed in the table below are most c ommon. Icon Meaning No signal / Signal strength / Curr ently accessing SIM or USIM car d (dual SIM models) Roaming (outside of normal ser vice area) GPRS network connected E ...

  • Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H - page 22

    Basics 22 Icon Meaning Error occurr ed or caution required Battery power level U sing the touch scr een Use only fingers to use the t ouch screen.  Do not allow the touch scr een to come int o contact with other electr ical devices . Electrostatic discharges can cause the touch scr een to malfunc tion.  T o a void damaging the t ouch sc ...

  • Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H - page 23

    Basics 23 T apping and holding T ap and hold an item f or more than 2 seconds to access a vailable options. Dragging T o mov e an icon, thumbnail, or preview t o a new location, tap and hold it and drag it to the target position. Double -tapping Double -tap on a webpage or image to zoom in a part. Double -tap again to return. ...

  • Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H - page 24

    Basics 24 F licking Flick left or right on the Home screen or the A pplications screen t o see another panel. F lick up or down to scr oll through a webpage or a list, such as contacts. Pinching Spread two fingers apart on a webpage, map , or image to zoom in a part. Pinch to zoom out . ...

  • Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H - page 25

    Basics 25 Rotating the scr een Many applications allo w display in either por trait or landscape orientation. Rotating the device causes the display t o automatically adjust to fit the new scr een or ientation. T o pr event the displa y from r otating automatically , open the notifications panel and deselec t Screen rota tion .  Some applicat ...

  • Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H - page 26

    Basics 26 Notifications Notification icons appear on the status bar a t the top of the screen t o report missed calls, new messages, calendar ev ents, devic e status, and mor e. Drag down fr om the status bar to open the notifications panel. Scr oll the list to see additional aler ts. T o close the notifications panel , drag up the bar that is at t ...

  • Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H - page 27

    Basics 27 Home screen The Home screen is the starting point to access all of the devic e ’ s featur es. I t display s indicator icons, widgets , shor tcuts to applications, and others . The Home screen can ha ve multiple panels. T o view other panels, scr oll left or r ight. Rearranging it ems Adding an applica tion icon On the Home screen, tap , ...

  • Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H - page 28

    Basics 28 Setting wallpaper Set an image or photo stored in the devic e as wallpaper for the Home screen. On the Home screen, tap and hold the empty area, tap W allpapers → Home screen , and then select one of the following:  Galler y: See photos taken by the device ’ s camera or images do wnloaded from the Internet.  Live w allpap ...

  • Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H - page 29

    Basics 29 Applica tions screen The Applications scr een displays icons f or all applications, including an y new applications installed. On the Home screen, tap to open the Applications scr een. T o view other panels , scroll left or right. Rearranging applica tions T ap → Edit , tap and hold an application, and then drag it to a new loca tion. T ...

  • Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H - page 30

    Basics 30 Disabling applications T ap → Uninstall/disable apps , and then select an application to disable it. T o enable applications , on the Applications screen, tap → Show disabled apps , select the applications, and then tap Done .  Downloaded applications and some default applications that c ome with the device cannot be disabled. ? ...

  • Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H - page 31

    Basics 31 Ent ering te x t Use the Samsung keyboard or the v oice input feature t o enter text. T ext entr y is not suppor ted in some languages . T o ent er text, you must change the input language to one of the suppor ted languages . Changing the k eyboard type T ap any t ex t field, open the notifications panel , tap Choose input method , and th ...

  • Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H - page 32

    Basics 32 Changing language ke yboards Add languages t o the keyboard, and then slide the spac e key lef t or right to change language keyboards . Entering t ex t by v oice Activate the v oice input feature and then speak in to the microphone . The device display s what you speak. If the device does not recog nise your wor ds correctly , tap the un ...

  • Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H - page 33

    Basics 33 Joining Wi - Fi net works On the Applications screen, tap Settings → Wi - Fi , and then drag the Wi - Fi switch to the right. Selec t a network from the list of det ected Wi-F i net works , enter a password if nec essar y , and then tap Connect . Networks that requir e a passwor d appear with a lock icon. After the device connects to a ...

  • Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H - page 34

    Basics 34 Removing ac coun ts On the Applications screen, tap Settings , select an account name under A C COUNT S , select the account t o remove , and then tap Remov e accoun t . T ransf erring files Move audio , video , image, or other types of files from the devic e to the computer , or vice versa. C onnec ting with S amsung Kies Samsung Kies is ...

  • Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H - page 35

    Basics 35 C onnec ting as a media device 1 Connect the device to the comput er using the USB cable. 2 Open the notifications panel, and then tap Connected as a media devic e → Media device (M TP) . T ap Camer a (PTP) if your comput er does not suppor t M edia T ransfer P rotoc ol (MTP) or not hav e any appr opriate driver installed . 3 T ransfer ...

  • Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H - page 36

    Basics 36 Setting a PIN On the Applications screen, tap Settings → Lock scr een → Screen lock → PIN . Enter at least f our numbers, and then enter the passw ord again to v er ify it. Setting a passwor d On the Applications screen, tap Settings → Lock scr een → Screen lock → P asswor d . Enter at least f our charac ters including numbers ...

  • Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H - page 37

    Basics 37 Upgr ading the device The device can be upg raded to the lat est soft ware . This f eature ma y not be available depending on the r egion or ser vice provider . Upgr ading with Samsung K ies Launch Samsung Kies and connec t the device to the c omputer . Samsung Kies automatically recog nises the device and shows available upda tes in a di ...

  • Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H - page 38

    38 C ommunication Phone Use this application to make or answ er a call. T ap Phone on the Applications screen. Mak ing calls Mak ing a call Use one of the f ollowing methods:  Keypad: Dual SIM models: Enter the number using the keypad , and then tap or . Single SIM models: Ent er the number using the keypad, and then tap .  L ...

  • Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H - page 39

    Communication 39 F inding contacts Enter a name , phone number , or email address to find a c ontact in the contacts list. As characters are ent ered, pr edic ted contacts appear . Selec t one to place a call to it . Mak ing an interna tional call Dual SIM models: T ap and hold 0 until the + sig n appears. Ent er the country code, area code , ...

  • Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H - page 40

    Communication 40 Adding c ontac ts T o add a phone number to the c ontac ts list from the keypad , enter the number and tap Add to con tacts . Sending a message T ap → Send message to send a message to the number on displa y . V iewing call logs T ap Logs to view the history of incoming and outgoing calls. Dual SIM models: T o filter a call ...

  • Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H - page 41

    Communication 41 Receiving calls Answ ering a call When a call comes in, drag outside the large cir cle. If the call waiting ser vice is active, another call can be made . When the second call is answer ed, the first call is put on hold . Rejec ting a call When a call comes in, drag outside the large cir cle. T o send a message when r ejecting an i ...

  • Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H - page 42

    Communication 42 V ideo calls Mak ing a video call Enter the number , and then tap . Or , select a contact from the contacts list, and tap . During a video call The f ollowing actions are available:  Swit ch: Switch between the fr ont and rear camera.  Mute: T ur n off the microphone so tha t the other par ty cannot hear you.  E ...

  • Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H - page 43

    Communication 43 C ontac ts Use this application to manage c ontac ts, including phone numbers , email addresses , and others. T ap Con tacts on the Applications screen. Managing con tac ts T ap Con tacts . Crea ting a contac t T ap and enter contact information.  : Add an image .  / : A dd or delete a contact field. Editing a con tac t ...

  • Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H - page 44

    Communication 44 Searching f or con tac ts T ap Con tacts . Use one of the f ollowing search methods:  Scroll up or down the con tacts list.  T ap the search field at the t op of the contac ts list and enter sear ch cr iteria. Once a contact is selected, take one of the f ollowing actions:  : Add t o favourite c ontac ts.  / ...

  • Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H - page 45

    Communication 45 F av ourite con tac ts T ap F av ourites . T ap to add contacts to fav ourites. T ap , and then take one of the follo wing actions:  Remov e from fav ourites: Remove c ontacts from favourit es. C ontac t groups T ap Groups . Adding c ontac ts to a gr oup Selec t a gr oup , and then tap . S elect contacts to add, and then tap ...

  • Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H - page 46

    Communication 46 Business card T ap Con tacts . Creat e a business card and send it to others. T ap Set up my pr ofile , enter details , such as phone number , email address, and postal address , and then tap S ave . If user information has been sav ed when you set up the device , select the business card, and then tap to edit. T ap → Share namec ...

  • Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H - page 47

    Communication 47 Sending scheduled messages While composing a message , tap → Schedule message . Set a time and date, and then tap Done . The device will send the message a t the specified time and date .  If the device is turned off at the scheduled time, is not connected to the network, or the network is unstable, the message will not be ...

  • Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H - page 48

    Communication 48 Sending scheduled messages While composing a message , tap → Scheduled email . Tick Scheduled email , set a time and date , and then tap Done . The device will send the message a t the specified time and date .  If the device is turned off at the scheduled time, is not connected to the network, or the network is unstable, t ...

  • Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H - page 49

    Communication 49 Google M ail Use this application to quickly and directly access the Google Mail ser vice. T ap Google Mail on the Applications screen.  This application ma y not be available depending on the r egion or ser vice pr ovider .  This application ma y be labelled differ ently depending on the reg ion or ser vice provider . ...

  • Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H - page 50

    Communication 50 Reading messages Keep the message for long-term storage . Mark the message as a reminder . Delete the message. Reply to the message. Acc ess additional options. Reply to all recipients , for ward the message to others, or print the message. Pr eview attachment. Labels Google Mail does not use ac tual folders , but uses labels inste ...

  • Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H - page 51

    Communication 51 Hangouts Use this application to cha t with others. T ap Hangouts on the Applications screen. This application ma y not be available depending on the r egion or ser vice pr ovider . Selec t a friend from the friends list or enter da ta to search and select a friend from the r esults to star t chatting . Google+ Use this application ...

  • Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H - page 52

    Communication 52 Photos Use this application to view and shar e images or videos via G oogle ’ s social network ser vices. T ap Photos on the Applications screen. This application ma y not be available depending on the r egion or ser vice pr ovider . Selec t one of the f ollowing categories:  ALL: View all the images or videos that ar e ta ...

  • Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H - page 53

    53 W eb & netw ork Internet Use this application to br owse the Internet. T ap Internet on the Applications screen. V iewing webpages T ap the address field , enter the web address , and then tap Go . T ap to acc ess additional options while viewing a webpage . T o change the sear ch engine, tap the addr ess field, and then tap the search engin ...

  • Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H - page 54

    W eb & network 54 Histor y T ap → Histor y to open a webpage fr om the list of recently-visit ed webpages. T o clear the histor y , tap → Clear history . Links T ap and hold a link on the webpage t o open it in a new page, sa ve , or copy . T o view sa ved links , use Downloads . (p. 81) Sharing w ebpages T o shar e a webpage addr ess wit ...

  • Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H - page 55

    W eb & network 55 Book marks T o bookmark the current webpage , tap → → S ave . T o open a bookmarked webpage, tap → Book marks , and then select one. Searching the w eb by voic e T ap the address field , tap → , speak a key word , and then selec t one of the suggested keywords that appear . Syncing with other de vices Sync open tabs an ...

  • Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H - page 56

    W eb & network 56 P airing with other Bluetooth devices On the Applications screen, tap Settings → Bluetooth → Scan , and detected devices are listed. Select the device you wan t to pair with, and then acc ept the auto- generated passkey on both devices to c onfirm. Sending and receiving da ta Many applications support data transfer via Blu ...

  • Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H - page 57

    57 Media Camer a Use this application to take phot os or videos. Use Galler y to view photos and videos taken with the devic e ’ s camera. (p. 63) T ap Camer a on the Applications screen. A lternatively , from the locked screen, dr ag anywhere on the scr een.  The camera aut omatically shuts off when unused.  Make sure that the lens ...

  • Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H - page 58

    Media 58 T ak ing photos T ak ing a photo T ap the image on the preview scr een where the camera should focus . When the subject is in focus , the focus frame turns green. T ap to take the photo . Display current mode . Change the shooting mode. Switch between the front and r ear camera. Select among various effects that are available . View mor e ...

  • Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H - page 59

    Media 59  P anorama: T ake a photo composed of man y photos strung together . T o get the best shot, f ollow these tips.  – Move the camera slo wly in one direc tion.  – Keep the camera ’ s viewfinder within the guide frame .  – A void taking photos of a subject in front of unrecog nisable backgrounds, such as empty sk ies o ...

  • Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H - page 60

    Media 60 T ak ing videos T ak ing a video T ap to take a video . T o pause r ecording , tap . T o stop r ecording , tap . Recor ding mode T ap → to change the rec ording mode.  Normal: Use this mode f or normal quality .  Limit for MMS: Use this mode to lo wer the r ecording quality for sending via messages . ...

  • Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H - page 61

    Media 61 Zooming in and out Use one of the f ollowing methods:  Use the V olume button to zoom in or out .  Spread two fingers apart on the screen to zoom in, and pinch to z oom out. The zoom in/out eff ec t is available when using the z oom featur e while shooting video . Share shot T ap → , and then select one of the following: ? ...

  • Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H - page 62

    Media 62  Metering modes: Selec t a metering method. This determines how light v alues are calculated . Cen tre -w eighted measures backgr ound light in the centre of the scene . Spot measures the light v alue at a specific location. Matrix av erages the entire sc ene.  ISO: Selec t an ISO value . This con trols camera light sensitivi ...

  • Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H - page 63

    Media 63 Galler y Use this application to view images and videos . T ap Galler y on the Applications screen. V iewing images Launching Galler y displays a vailable folders. When another application, such as Email , sav es an image, the Download folder is aut omatically creat ed to contain the image. Likewise , capturing a screenshot automatically c ...

  • Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H - page 64

    Media 64  Print: Print the image b y connec ting the device to a print er . Some pr inters ma y not be compatible with the device .  Rename: Rename the file.  Rotate left: Rotate anticlockwise.  Rotate right: Rotate clockwise.  Crop: Resize the blue frame to cr op and save the image in it.  Set as: Set the ...

  • Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H - page 65

    Media 65 Organising with f olders Creat e a folder to organise images or videos stor ed in the device. Y ou can cop y or move files from one f older to another . T o cr eate a new f older , tap . Enter a name f or the folder , tap OK , and then tick images or videos. T ap and hold any selected image or video , drag it to the new folder , and then t ...

  • Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H - page 66

    Media 66 Deleting videos T ap → Delete , select videos, and then tap Done . Sharing videos T ap → Selec t , select videos, tap , and then select a sharing method. Y ou T ube Use this application to w atch videos fr om the Y ou T ube website . T ap Y ou T ube on the Applications screen. This application ma y not be available depending on the r e ...

  • Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H - page 67

    Media 67 R adio Listen to music and new s on the FM r adio . T o listen to the F M radio, y ou must connec t a headset, which ser ves as the radio an tenna. T ap Radio on the Applications screen. Listening to the F M radio Plug a headset into the devic e befor e launching the FM radio . The F M radio scans and saves av ailable stations automaticall ...

  • Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H - page 68

    Media 68 Scanning radio stations T ap → Scan , and then select a scan option. The FM r adio scans and saves a vailable stations automatically . Selec t the radio station y ou want from the stations list and tap to return t o the FM r adio screen. A dding stations to the fa vourites list Scroll to a radio sta tion, and then tap to add the station ...

  • Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H - page 69

    69 Applica tion & media stor es Pla y Stor e Use this application to pur chase and download applications and games that are able t o run on the device . T ap Play St ore on the Applications screen. This application ma y not be available depending on the r egion or ser vice pr ovider . Installing applications Brow se applications by categor y , ...

  • Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H - page 70

    Application & media stor es 70 Samsung Apps Use this application to pur chase and download dedicated Samsung applications. F or more information, visit .com . T ap Samsung Apps on the Applications screen. This application ma y not be available depending on the r egion or ser vice pr ovider . Installing applications Brow se applicat ...

  • Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H - page 71

    Application & media stor es 71 Pla y M ovies & T V Use this application to w atch, download , and rent movies or T V shows . T ap Play Movies & T V on the Applications screen. This application ma y not be available depending on the r egion or ser vice pr ovider . Pla y Music Use this application to list en to music from the device or st ...

  • Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H - page 72

    72 Utilities Memo Use this application to r ecord impor tant inf ormation to sav e and view at a later date . T ap Memo on the Applications screen. C omposing memos T ap , enter a memo , and then tap Done . Bro wsing memos Brow se memo thumbnails by scrolling up or down. T o edit the memo , tap the memo . T o sear ch for a memo , tap → Search . T ...

  • Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H - page 73

    Utilities 73 S Planner Use this application to manage ev ents and tasks. T ap S Planner on the Applications screen. Crea ting events or tasks T ap , and then use one of the follo wing methods:  Add ev ent: Enter an ev ent with an optional repeat setting .  Add task: Enter a task with an optional priority setting. Syncing with Google C ...

  • Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H - page 74

    Utilities 74 Changing calendar type At the top of the scr een, selec t one from among diff erent types of calendars including month, week, and others. Searching f or ev ents or tasks T ap → Search , and then enter a keywor d to search f or . T o view toda y ’ s ev ents or tasks, tap T oday at the top of the scr een. Deleting ev ents or tasks Se ...

  • Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H - page 75

    Utilities 75 Clock Use this application to set alarms , check the time of many major cities in the world, measur e the duration of an ev ent, or set a timer . T ap Clock on the Applications screen. T urn this alarm on or off . Alarm Setting alarms T ap , set a time for the alarm to go off , selec t days f or the alar m to r epeat, and then tap Done ...

  • Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H - page 76

    Utilities 76 W orld clock Crea ting clocks T ap and enter a city name or selec t a city from the cities list. Deleting clocks T ap → Delete , select alarms, and then tap Done . Stopwatch T ap Star t to time an even t. T ap Lap to rec ord lap times. T ap Reset to clear lap time rec ords. T imer Set the duration, and then tap Star t . Drag outside ...

  • Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H - page 77

    Utilities 77 V oic e R ec order Use this application to r ecord or play v oice memos. T ap V oice Recor der on the Applications screen. Recor ding voice memos T ap to start recording . Speak into the microphone at the bott om of the device. T ap to pause recording . T ap to finish rec ording. Acc ess additional options. Display the list of voic e m ...

  • Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H - page 78

    Utilities 78 Managing v oice memos In the list of voice memos, tap → Selec t , select voice memos, and select one of the follo wing:  : Selec t voic e memos to send, and then select a sharing method.  : Selec t voic e memos to delete .  → Rename: Rename the voice memo .  → Set as: Set the voice memo as a ringtone . ? ...

  • Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H - page 79

    Utilities 79 Google Now Launch Google search to view Google Now car ds that show the current wea ther , public transit inf o , your next appointment, and mor e when you ar e most likely to need it. Join Google Now when opening Google search f or the first time. T o change Google Now settings, tap → Settings , and then drag the Google Now switch t ...

  • Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H - page 80

    Utilities 80 T ap → Selec t item , select a file or folder , and then use one of the following functions:  : Send files to others or share them.  : Delete files or folders .  → M ove: Move files or f olders to another folder .  → Cop y: Cop y files or folders to another f older .  → Rename: Rename a file or ...

  • Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H - page 81

    Utilities 81 Downloads Use this application to see wha t files are downloaded thr ough the applications. T ap Downloads on the Applications screen. This application ma y not be available depending on the r egion or ser vice pr ovider . Selec t a file to open it with an appr opriate application. T o sort the files by date, tap → Sor t by → Date ...

  • Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H - page 82

    82 T r av el & local Maps Use this application to pinpoin t the location of the device , search f or places, or get directions. T ap Maps on the Applications screen. This application ma y not be available depending on the r egion or ser vice pr ovider . Searching f or locations Search for loca tions by entering an addr ess or a key word . Once ...

  • Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H - page 83

    83 Settings About Settings Use this application to c onfigure the device, set application options , and add accounts. T ap Settings on the Applications screen. Suppor ted f eatures ma y differ or be labelled diff erently depending on whether your device is a single or dual SIM model. Wi - Fi Activate the Wi-F i featur e to connect to a Wi-F i netwo ...

  • Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H - page 84

    Settings 84 Setting Net w ork notification The device can det ect open Wi-F i networks and display an icon on the sta tus bar to notify when available . On the Settings screen, tap Wi - Fi → → Adv anced and tick Network notification to activate this featur e. W i-F i D irect Wi-F i Direct connects two devices directly via a Wi-F i network witho ...

  • Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H - page 85

    Settings 85 F light mode This disables all wireless functions on your devic e. Y ou can use only non-network services. Data usage Keep track of your da ta usage amount, and customise the settings f or the limitation.  Mobile data: Set the device to use data connections on any mobile network.  Set mobile data limit: Set a limit for the ...

  • Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H - page 86

    Settings 86 More netw orks Cust omise settings to contr ol net works. Default messaging app Selec t the default application to use f or messaging. VPN Set up and connect to vir tual private networks (VPNs). Mobile networks  Mobile data: Use to allo w packet switching data networks f or network ser vices.  Data roaming: Set the device ...

  • Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H - page 87

    Settings 87 L ock screen Change settings for the locked scr een.  Screen lock: Activate the scr een lock feature . The following options ma y var y depending on the screen lock f eature selected.  Dual clock: Set the device to show the dual clock on the locked scr een.  Show dat e: Set the device to show the dat e with the cloc ...

  • Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H - page 88

    Settings 88 Display Change the settings for the displa y .  W allpaper:  – Home screen: Selec t a backgr ound image for the Home scr een.  – Lock scr een: Selec t a backgr ound image for the locked scr een.  – Home and lock screens: Selec t a backgr ound image for the Home scr een and the locked screen.  Notification ...

  • Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H - page 89

    Settings 89 Call Cust omise the settings for calling f eatures.  Set up call reject messages: Add or edit the message sent when y ou reject a call.  Answ ering/ending calls:  – The home ke y answers calls: Set the device to answer a call when y ou press the Home button.  – The po wer ke y ends calls: Set the device to end ...

  • Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H - page 90

    Settings 90 St orage View memory information for y our device and memor y card, or f ormat a memor y card. F ormatting a memor y card permanently deletes all data fr om it. The actual available capacity of the internal memor y is less than the specified capacity because the operating system and default applications oc cupy par t of the memor y . Th ...

  • Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H - page 91

    Settings 91 Applica tion manager View and manage the applica tions on your device . L ocation Change settings for location inf ormation permissions.  Mode: Selec t a method to collect your loca tion data.  RECENT L OCA TION REQUEST S: View which applications r equest your current location information and their batt er y usage.  ...

  • Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H - page 92

    Settings 92  SIM Change Alert: Activate or deactivate the F ind my mobile f eature which helps locate the device when lost or stolen.  Go to websit e: Ac cess the F ind my mobile websit e (findmymobile Y ou can track and contr ol your lost or stolen device on the F ind my mobile w ebsite.  Set up SIM card lock: ...

  • Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H - page 93

    Settings 93 Default Selec t a default keyboard type f or text input. Samsung keyboar d T o change the Samsung keyboard settings , tap . The av ailable options may vary depending on the region or ser vice pro vider .  English(UK) : Change the keyboard la yout.  Selec t input languages: Selec t languages f or text input.  Pr edicti ...

  • Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H - page 94

    Settings 94 Google voic e t yping T o change the v oice input settings, tap .  Choose input languages: Selec t input languages f or text input.  Block offensiv e words: Set the device to prev ent the device from rec ognising offensive wor ds in voice inputs . V oice sear ch  Language: Selec t a language f or the voice r ecognit ...

  • Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H - page 95

    Settings 95 Backup and reset Change the settings for manag ing settings and data.  Back up my da ta: Set the device to back up settings and application data t o the Google ser ver .  Backup accoun t: Set up or edit your Google backup account.  Aut omatic rest ore: Set the device to rest ore settings and application data when th ...

  • Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H - page 96

    Settings 96 A cc essibility Ac cessibility ser vices are special f eatures for those with certain physical disabilities . Access and aler t the follo wing settings to impro ve accessibility to the device .  Aut o rotat e screen: Set the inter face to r otate automa tically when you r otate the device .  Screen timeout: Set the length ...

  • Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H - page 97

    Settings 97  Flash notifica tion: Set the flash to blink when you ha ve incoming calls , new messages, or notifications.  T urn off all sounds: Mute all device sounds .  Mono audio: Enable mono sound when listening to audio with one earbud .  T ap and hold delay: Set the recognition time f or tapping and holding the scre ...

  • Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H - page 98

    98 T r oubleshooting Befor e contacting a Samsung Ser vice Centre , please attempt the follo wing solutions. Some situations may not apply t o your device . When y ou turn on your devic e or while you ar e using the device , it prompts y ou to enter one of the f ollowing codes:  P assword: When the device lock f eature is enabled, y ou must e ...

  • Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H - page 99

    T roubleshooting 99 The t ouch screen r esponds slowly or improperly  If you attach a prot ective cov er or optional accessories to the t ouch screen, the touch screen ma y not function properly .  If you are w earing gloves , if your hands are not clean while touching the touch scr een, or if you tap the scr een with sharp objec ts or ...

  • Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H - page 100

    T roubleshooting 100 Sound echoes during a call Adjust the v olume by pressing the V olume button or move t o another area. A cellular netw ork or the Internet is often disconnected or audio quality is poor  Ensure that y ou are not block ing the device ’ s internal ant enna.  When you ar e in areas with weak signals or poor r eceptio ...

  • Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H - page 101

    T roubleshooting 101 Y our device is hot t o the touch When you use applica tions that requir e more power or use applications on y our device for an extended period of time, your devic e may f eel hot to the touch. This is normal and should not affect your device ’ s lif espan or per formanc e. Error messages appear when launching the camer a Y ...

  • Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H - page 102

    T roubleshooting 102  Y our device suppor ts photos and videos captured with the device . Photos and videos captured by other devic es may not work properly .  Y our device suppor ts multimedia files that are authorised by your network service provider or pr oviders of additional ser vices. Some cont ent circula ted on the Internet, suc ...

  • Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H - page 103

    T roubleshooting 103 Data stor ed on the device has been lost Alway s make backup copies of all impor tant data stor ed on the device. Other wise, you cannot restor e data if it is corrupted or lost. Samsung is not responsible f or the loss of data stored on the devic e. A small gap appears around the outside of the devic e case  This gap is ...

  • Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H - page 104

    English (EU). 07/2014. Rev .1.0 Some content ma y differ from your devic e depending on the region, ser vice pro vider , or soft war e version, and is subject to change without prior notice. ww w .samsung.c om ...

    • Page 1: Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H

      ww w .samsung.c om User Manual SM-G355H/DS SM-G355H[...]

    • Page 2: Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H

      2 About this manual This device pr ovides high qualit y mobile communication and en ter tainment using Samsung ’ s high standards and technolog ical exper tise. This user manual is specially designed t o detail the device ’ s functions and features .  Please read this manual bef ore using the device to ensur e safe and pr oper use. [...]

    • Page 3: Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H

      About this manual 3  Default applications that come with the device ar e subjec t to updates and ma y no longer be suppor ted without prior notice . If you have questions about an applica tion provided with the device , contact a Samsung Ser vice Centre . F or user-installed applications , contact ser vice pro viders.  Modifying the dev[...]

    • Page 4: Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H

      About this manual 4 T rademarks  SAMSUNG and the SAMSUNG logo ar e regist ered trademarks of Samsung Electronics.  Bluetooth ® is a regist ered trademark of Bluetooth SIG, Inc. worldwide .  Wi-F i ® , Wi-F i Prot ected Setup ™ , Wi-F i Direct ™ , Wi-F i CER TIFIED ™ , and the Wi-F i logo are regist ered trademarks of the W[...]

    • Page 5: Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H

      5 T able of C onten ts Getting star ted 7 Device lay out 8 Buttons 9 P ack age contents 10 Installing the SIM or USIM card and battery 14 Charging the ba tter y 16 Inser ting a memor y card 18 T ur ning the device on and off 19 Holding the device 19 Locking and unlock ing the device 19 Adjusting the v olume 19 Switching t o silent mode 20 Using dua[...]

    • Page 6: Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H

      T able of Con tents 6 85 SIM card manager (dual SIM models) 86 More networks 87 Lock scr een 87 Sound 88 Display 89 Call 90 Storage 90 P ower saving mode 90 Battery 91 Application manager 91 Loca tion 91 Securit y 92 Language and input 95 Backup and reset 95 Add ac count 95 Date and time 96 Ac cessibility 97 Ac cessories 97 Printing 97 About device[...]

    • Page 7: Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H

      7 Getting star ted Devic e lay out Microphone T ouch screen Earpiece Multipurpose jack Home button Recent apps button P ower button F ront camera Back button V olume button Main antenna Speaker Headset jack GPS antenna Rear camera Flash Back cov er[...]

    • Page 8: Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H

      Getting star ted 8  Do not cov er the antenna ar ea with your hands or other objects. This may cause connectivity problems or drain the battery .  Using a Samsung-appro ved scr een protector is rec ommended. Unapprov ed screen protectors may cause the sensors t o malfunc tion.  Do not allow water t o contac t the touch scr een. Th[...]

    • Page 9: Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H

      Getting star ted 9 P ack age c ont ents Check the product box f or the following items:  Device  Battery  Quick star t guide  The items supplied with the devic e and any a vailable accessories ma y var y depending on the region or service provider .  The supplied items ar e designed only for this device and may not be [...]

    • Page 10: Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H

      Getting star ted 10 Installing the SIM or USIM card and batt er y Inser t the SIM or USIM card provided b y the mobile telephone ser vice provider , and the included battery . Only microSIM car ds work with the device . 1 Remove the back c over . Be careful not to damage y our finger nails when you r emove the back cov er . Do not bend or twist the[...]

    • Page 11: Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H

      Getting star ted 11 2 Dual SIM models: Inser t the SIM or USIM card with the gold-coloured contacts facing down wards . Inser t the primar y SIM or USIM card into SIM card slot 1 (1) and the secondar y SIM or USIM card int o SIM card slot 2 (2). 1 2 Single SIM models: Inser t the SIM or USIM card with the gold-coloured con tacts facin[...]

    • Page 12: Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H

      Getting star ted 12  Do not remov e the protective tape cov ering the antenna, as this can damage the antenna.  Do not inser t a memor y card into the SIM car d slot. I f a memor y card happens t o be lodged in the SIM card slot, take the devic e to a Samsung Ser vice Centr e to remov e the memor y card.  Use caution not to lose o[...]

    • Page 13: Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H

      Getting star ted 13 Removing the SIM or USIM car d and battery 1 Remove the back c over . 2 Dual SIM models: P ull out the battery , and then the SIM or USIM card. Single SIM models: P ull out the SIM or USIM card.[...]

    • Page 14: Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H

      Getting star ted 14 Char ging the ba tter y Use the charger t o charge the battery before using it f or the first time. A computer can be also used to charge the devic e by connecting them via the USB cable. Use only Samsung-appro ved chargers , batteries, and cables. Unappr oved chargers or cables can cause the battery to explode or damage the dev[...]

    • Page 15: Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H

      Getting star ted 15  The device can be used while it is char ging , but it may take longer to fully char ge the battery .  If the device receiv es an unstable power supply while charging , the touch screen may not function. If this happens, unplug the charger from the devic e.  While charg ing, the devic e may heat up . This is no[...]

    • Page 16: Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H

      Getting star ted 16 Reducing the batter y c onsumption Y our device provides options that help y ou save ba tter y pow er . By customising these options and deactivating featur es in the background, y ou can use the device longer between charges:  When you ar e not using the device, switch to sleep mode b y pressing the P ower butt on. [...]

    • Page 17: Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H

      Getting star ted 17 1 Remove the back c over and ba tter y . 2 Inser t a memor y card with the gold- colour ed contacts facing downw ards . 3 Replace the battery and back cover . Removing the memor y card Befor e removing the memory card, first unmount it f or safe remo val. On the Home scr een, tap → Settings → Stor age → Unmount SD card . 1[...]

    • Page 18: Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H

      Getting star ted 18 F ormatting the memor y card A memor y card f or matted on a c omputer may not be c ompatible with the device . F ormat the memor y card on the device . On the Home screen, tap → Settings → Stor age → F ormat SD card → F ormat USB storage → Erase ev er ything . Befor e formatting the memory card, remember t o make back[...]

    • Page 19: Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H

      Getting star ted 19 Holding the devic e Do not cov er the antenna ar ea with your hands or other objects. This may cause connectivity problems or drain the ba tter y . L ock ing and unlock ing the devic e When not in use, lock the devic e to prevent un wanted operation. P ressing the P ower button turns off the screen and puts the device int o lock[...]

    • Page 20: Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H

      Getting star ted 20 U sing dual SIM or USIM cards If you inser t two SIM or USIM cards , you can have two phone numbers or service providers f or a single device . A c tivating SIM or USIM car ds On the Home screen, tap → Settings → SIM card manager . Drag one or both of the switches f or the SIM or USIM cards to the right. If both cards are ac[...]

    • Page 21: Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H

      21 Basics Indicator ic ons The icons displa yed at the t op of the screen pr ovide inf ormation about the status of the device . The icons list ed in the table below are most c ommon. Icon Meaning No signal / Signal strength / Curr ently accessing SIM or USIM car d (dual SIM models) Roaming (outside of normal ser vice area) GPRS network connected E[...]

    • Page 22: Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H

      Basics 22 Icon Meaning Error occurr ed or caution required Battery power level U sing the touch scr een Use only fingers to use the t ouch screen.  Do not allow the touch scr een to come int o contact with other electr ical devices . Electrostatic discharges can cause the touch scr een to malfunc tion.  T o a void damaging the t ouch sc[...]

    • Page 23: Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H

      Basics 23 T apping and holding T ap and hold an item f or more than 2 seconds to access a vailable options. Dragging T o mov e an icon, thumbnail, or preview t o a new location, tap and hold it and drag it to the target position. Double -tapping Double -tap on a webpage or image to zoom in a part. Double -tap again to return.[...]

    • Page 24: Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H

      Basics 24 F licking Flick left or right on the Home screen or the A pplications screen t o see another panel. F lick up or down to scr oll through a webpage or a list, such as contacts. Pinching Spread two fingers apart on a webpage, map , or image to zoom in a part. Pinch to zoom out .[...]

    • Page 25: Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H

      Basics 25 Rotating the scr een Many applications allo w display in either por trait or landscape orientation. Rotating the device causes the display t o automatically adjust to fit the new scr een or ientation. T o pr event the displa y from r otating automatically , open the notifications panel and deselec t Screen rota tion .  Some applicat[...]

    • Page 26: Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H

      Basics 26 Notifications Notification icons appear on the status bar a t the top of the screen t o report missed calls, new messages, calendar ev ents, devic e status, and mor e. Drag down fr om the status bar to open the notifications panel. Scr oll the list to see additional aler ts. T o close the notifications panel , drag up the bar that is at t[...]

    • Page 27: Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H

      Basics 27 Home screen The Home screen is the starting point to access all of the devic e ’ s featur es. I t display s indicator icons, widgets , shor tcuts to applications, and others . The Home screen can ha ve multiple panels. T o view other panels, scr oll left or r ight. Rearranging it ems Adding an applica tion icon On the Home screen, tap ,[...]

    • Page 28: Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H

      Basics 28 Setting wallpaper Set an image or photo stored in the devic e as wallpaper for the Home screen. On the Home screen, tap and hold the empty area, tap W allpapers → Home screen , and then select one of the following:  Galler y: See photos taken by the device ’ s camera or images do wnloaded from the Internet.  Live w allpap[...]

    • Page 29: Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H

      Basics 29 Applica tions screen The Applications scr een displays icons f or all applications, including an y new applications installed. On the Home screen, tap to open the Applications scr een. T o view other panels , scroll left or right. Rearranging applica tions T ap → Edit , tap and hold an application, and then drag it to a new loca tion. T[...]

    • Page 30: Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H

      Basics 30 Disabling applications T ap → Uninstall/disable apps , and then select an application to disable it. T o enable applications , on the Applications screen, tap → Show disabled apps , select the applications, and then tap Done .  Downloaded applications and some default applications that c ome with the device cannot be disabled. ?[...]

    • Page 31: Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H

      Basics 31 Ent ering te x t Use the Samsung keyboard or the v oice input feature t o enter text. T ext entr y is not suppor ted in some languages . T o ent er text, you must change the input language to one of the suppor ted languages . Changing the k eyboard type T ap any t ex t field, open the notifications panel , tap Choose input method , and th[...]

    • Page 32: Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H

      Basics 32 Changing language ke yboards Add languages t o the keyboard, and then slide the spac e key lef t or right to change language keyboards . Entering t ex t by v oice Activate the v oice input feature and then speak in to the microphone . The device display s what you speak. If the device does not recog nise your wor ds correctly , tap the un[...]

    • Page 33: Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H

      Basics 33 Joining Wi - Fi net works On the Applications screen, tap Settings → Wi - Fi , and then drag the Wi - Fi switch to the right. Selec t a network from the list of det ected Wi-F i net works , enter a password if nec essar y , and then tap Connect . Networks that requir e a passwor d appear with a lock icon. After the device connects to a [...]

    • Page 34: Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H

      Basics 34 Removing ac coun ts On the Applications screen, tap Settings , select an account name under A C COUNT S , select the account t o remove , and then tap Remov e accoun t . T ransf erring files Move audio , video , image, or other types of files from the devic e to the computer , or vice versa. C onnec ting with S amsung Kies Samsung Kies is[...]

    • Page 35: Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H

      Basics 35 C onnec ting as a media device 1 Connect the device to the comput er using the USB cable. 2 Open the notifications panel, and then tap Connected as a media devic e → Media device (M TP) . T ap Camer a (PTP) if your comput er does not suppor t M edia T ransfer P rotoc ol (MTP) or not hav e any appr opriate driver installed . 3 T ransfer [...]

    • Page 36: Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H

      Basics 36 Setting a PIN On the Applications screen, tap Settings → Lock scr een → Screen lock → PIN . Enter at least f our numbers, and then enter the passw ord again to v er ify it. Setting a passwor d On the Applications screen, tap Settings → Lock scr een → Screen lock → P asswor d . Enter at least f our charac ters including numbers[...]

    • Page 37: Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H

      Basics 37 Upgr ading the device The device can be upg raded to the lat est soft ware . This f eature ma y not be available depending on the r egion or ser vice provider . Upgr ading with Samsung K ies Launch Samsung Kies and connec t the device to the c omputer . Samsung Kies automatically recog nises the device and shows available upda tes in a di[...]

    • Page 38: Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H

      38 C ommunication Phone Use this application to make or answ er a call. T ap Phone on the Applications screen. Mak ing calls Mak ing a call Use one of the f ollowing methods:  Keypad: Dual SIM models: Enter the number using the keypad , and then tap or . Single SIM models: Ent er the number using the keypad, and then tap .  L[...]

    • Page 39: Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H

      Communication 39 F inding contacts Enter a name , phone number , or email address to find a c ontact in the contacts list. As characters are ent ered, pr edic ted contacts appear . Selec t one to place a call to it . Mak ing an interna tional call Dual SIM models: T ap and hold 0 until the + sig n appears. Ent er the country code, area code , [...]

    • Page 40: Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H

      Communication 40 Adding c ontac ts T o add a phone number to the c ontac ts list from the keypad , enter the number and tap Add to con tacts . Sending a message T ap → Send message to send a message to the number on displa y . V iewing call logs T ap Logs to view the history of incoming and outgoing calls. Dual SIM models: T o filter a call [...]

    • Page 41: Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H

      Communication 41 Receiving calls Answ ering a call When a call comes in, drag outside the large cir cle. If the call waiting ser vice is active, another call can be made . When the second call is answer ed, the first call is put on hold . Rejec ting a call When a call comes in, drag outside the large cir cle. T o send a message when r ejecting an i[...]

    • Page 42: Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H

      Communication 42 V ideo calls Mak ing a video call Enter the number , and then tap . Or , select a contact from the contacts list, and tap . During a video call The f ollowing actions are available:  Swit ch: Switch between the fr ont and rear camera.  Mute: T ur n off the microphone so tha t the other par ty cannot hear you.  E[...]

    • Page 43: Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H

      Communication 43 C ontac ts Use this application to manage c ontac ts, including phone numbers , email addresses , and others. T ap Con tacts on the Applications screen. Managing con tac ts T ap Con tacts . Crea ting a contac t T ap and enter contact information.  : Add an image .  / : A dd or delete a contact field. Editing a con tac t[...]

    • Page 44: Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H

      Communication 44 Searching f or con tac ts T ap Con tacts . Use one of the f ollowing search methods:  Scroll up or down the con tacts list.  T ap the search field at the t op of the contac ts list and enter sear ch cr iteria. Once a contact is selected, take one of the f ollowing actions:  : Add t o favourite c ontac ts.  /[...]

    • Page 45: Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H

      Communication 45 F av ourite con tac ts T ap F av ourites . T ap to add contacts to fav ourites. T ap , and then take one of the follo wing actions:  Remov e from fav ourites: Remove c ontacts from favourit es. C ontac t groups T ap Groups . Adding c ontac ts to a gr oup Selec t a gr oup , and then tap . S elect contacts to add, and then tap[...]

    • Page 46: Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H

      Communication 46 Business card T ap Con tacts . Creat e a business card and send it to others. T ap Set up my pr ofile , enter details , such as phone number , email address, and postal address , and then tap S ave . If user information has been sav ed when you set up the device , select the business card, and then tap to edit. T ap → Share namec[...]

    • Page 47: Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H

      Communication 47 Sending scheduled messages While composing a message , tap → Schedule message . Set a time and date, and then tap Done . The device will send the message a t the specified time and date .  If the device is turned off at the scheduled time, is not connected to the network, or the network is unstable, the message will not be [...]

    • Page 48: Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H

      Communication 48 Sending scheduled messages While composing a message , tap → Scheduled email . Tick Scheduled email , set a time and date , and then tap Done . The device will send the message a t the specified time and date .  If the device is turned off at the scheduled time, is not connected to the network, or the network is unstable, t[...]

    • Page 49: Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H

      Communication 49 Google M ail Use this application to quickly and directly access the Google Mail ser vice. T ap Google Mail on the Applications screen.  This application ma y not be available depending on the r egion or ser vice pr ovider .  This application ma y be labelled differ ently depending on the reg ion or ser vice provider . [...]

    • Page 50: Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H

      Communication 50 Reading messages Keep the message for long-term storage . Mark the message as a reminder . Delete the message. Reply to the message. Acc ess additional options. Reply to all recipients , for ward the message to others, or print the message. Pr eview attachment. Labels Google Mail does not use ac tual folders , but uses labels inste[...]

    • Page 51: Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H

      Communication 51 Hangouts Use this application to cha t with others. T ap Hangouts on the Applications screen. This application ma y not be available depending on the r egion or ser vice pr ovider . Selec t a friend from the friends list or enter da ta to search and select a friend from the r esults to star t chatting . Google+ Use this application[...]

    • Page 52: Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H

      Communication 52 Photos Use this application to view and shar e images or videos via G oogle ’ s social network ser vices. T ap Photos on the Applications screen. This application ma y not be available depending on the r egion or ser vice pr ovider . Selec t one of the f ollowing categories:  ALL: View all the images or videos that ar e ta[...]

    • Page 53: Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H

      53 W eb & netw ork Internet Use this application to br owse the Internet. T ap Internet on the Applications screen. V iewing webpages T ap the address field , enter the web address , and then tap Go . T ap to acc ess additional options while viewing a webpage . T o change the sear ch engine, tap the addr ess field, and then tap the search engin[...]

    • Page 54: Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H

      W eb & network 54 Histor y T ap → Histor y to open a webpage fr om the list of recently-visit ed webpages. T o clear the histor y , tap → Clear history . Links T ap and hold a link on the webpage t o open it in a new page, sa ve , or copy . T o view sa ved links , use Downloads . (p. 81) Sharing w ebpages T o shar e a webpage addr ess wit[...]

    • Page 55: Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H

      W eb & network 55 Book marks T o bookmark the current webpage , tap → → S ave . T o open a bookmarked webpage, tap → Book marks , and then select one. Searching the w eb by voic e T ap the address field , tap → , speak a key word , and then selec t one of the suggested keywords that appear . Syncing with other de vices Sync open tabs an[...]

    • Page 56: Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H

      W eb & network 56 P airing with other Bluetooth devices On the Applications screen, tap Settings → Bluetooth → Scan , and detected devices are listed. Select the device you wan t to pair with, and then acc ept the auto- generated passkey on both devices to c onfirm. Sending and receiving da ta Many applications support data transfer via Blu[...]

    • Page 57: Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H

      57 Media Camer a Use this application to take phot os or videos. Use Galler y to view photos and videos taken with the devic e ’ s camera. (p. 63) T ap Camer a on the Applications screen. A lternatively , from the locked screen, dr ag anywhere on the scr een.  The camera aut omatically shuts off when unused.  Make sure that the lens[...]

    • Page 58: Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H

      Media 58 T ak ing photos T ak ing a photo T ap the image on the preview scr een where the camera should focus . When the subject is in focus , the focus frame turns green. T ap to take the photo . Display current mode . Change the shooting mode. Switch between the front and r ear camera. Select among various effects that are available . View mor e [...]

    • Page 59: Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H

      Media 59  P anorama: T ake a photo composed of man y photos strung together . T o get the best shot, f ollow these tips.  – Move the camera slo wly in one direc tion.  – Keep the camera ’ s viewfinder within the guide frame .  – A void taking photos of a subject in front of unrecog nisable backgrounds, such as empty sk ies o[...]

    • Page 60: Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H

      Media 60 T ak ing videos T ak ing a video T ap to take a video . T o pause r ecording , tap . T o stop r ecording , tap . Recor ding mode T ap → to change the rec ording mode.  Normal: Use this mode f or normal quality .  Limit for MMS: Use this mode to lo wer the r ecording quality for sending via messages .[...]

    • Page 61: Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H

      Media 61 Zooming in and out Use one of the f ollowing methods:  Use the V olume button to zoom in or out .  Spread two fingers apart on the screen to zoom in, and pinch to z oom out. The zoom in/out eff ec t is available when using the z oom featur e while shooting video . Share shot T ap → , and then select one of the following: ?[...]

    • Page 62: Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H

      Media 62  Metering modes: Selec t a metering method. This determines how light v alues are calculated . Cen tre -w eighted measures backgr ound light in the centre of the scene . Spot measures the light v alue at a specific location. Matrix av erages the entire sc ene.  ISO: Selec t an ISO value . This con trols camera light sensitivi[...]

    • Page 63: Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H

      Media 63 Galler y Use this application to view images and videos . T ap Galler y on the Applications screen. V iewing images Launching Galler y displays a vailable folders. When another application, such as Email , sav es an image, the Download folder is aut omatically creat ed to contain the image. Likewise , capturing a screenshot automatically c[...]

    • Page 64: Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H

      Media 64  Print: Print the image b y connec ting the device to a print er . Some pr inters ma y not be compatible with the device .  Rename: Rename the file.  Rotate left: Rotate anticlockwise.  Rotate right: Rotate clockwise.  Crop: Resize the blue frame to cr op and save the image in it.  Set as: Set the [...]

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      Media 65 Organising with f olders Creat e a folder to organise images or videos stor ed in the device. Y ou can cop y or move files from one f older to another . T o cr eate a new f older , tap . Enter a name f or the folder , tap OK , and then tick images or videos. T ap and hold any selected image or video , drag it to the new folder , and then t[...]

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      Media 66 Deleting videos T ap → Delete , select videos, and then tap Done . Sharing videos T ap → Selec t , select videos, tap , and then select a sharing method. Y ou T ube Use this application to w atch videos fr om the Y ou T ube website . T ap Y ou T ube on the Applications screen. This application ma y not be available depending on the r e[...]

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      Media 67 R adio Listen to music and new s on the FM r adio . T o listen to the F M radio, y ou must connec t a headset, which ser ves as the radio an tenna. T ap Radio on the Applications screen. Listening to the F M radio Plug a headset into the devic e befor e launching the FM radio . The F M radio scans and saves av ailable stations automaticall[...]

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      Media 68 Scanning radio stations T ap → Scan , and then select a scan option. The FM r adio scans and saves a vailable stations automatically . Selec t the radio station y ou want from the stations list and tap to return t o the FM r adio screen. A dding stations to the fa vourites list Scroll to a radio sta tion, and then tap to add the station [...]

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      69 Applica tion & media stor es Pla y Stor e Use this application to pur chase and download applications and games that are able t o run on the device . T ap Play St ore on the Applications screen. This application ma y not be available depending on the r egion or ser vice pr ovider . Installing applications Brow se applications by categor y , [...]

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      Application & media stor es 70 Samsung Apps Use this application to pur chase and download dedicated Samsung applications. F or more information, visit .com . T ap Samsung Apps on the Applications screen. This application ma y not be available depending on the r egion or ser vice pr ovider . Installing applications Brow se applicat[...]

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      Application & media stor es 71 Pla y M ovies & T V Use this application to w atch, download , and rent movies or T V shows . T ap Play Movies & T V on the Applications screen. This application ma y not be available depending on the r egion or ser vice pr ovider . Pla y Music Use this application to list en to music from the device or st[...]

    • Page 72: Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H

      72 Utilities Memo Use this application to r ecord impor tant inf ormation to sav e and view at a later date . T ap Memo on the Applications screen. C omposing memos T ap , enter a memo , and then tap Done . Bro wsing memos Brow se memo thumbnails by scrolling up or down. T o edit the memo , tap the memo . T o sear ch for a memo , tap → Search . T[...]

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      Utilities 73 S Planner Use this application to manage ev ents and tasks. T ap S Planner on the Applications screen. Crea ting events or tasks T ap , and then use one of the follo wing methods:  Add ev ent: Enter an ev ent with an optional repeat setting .  Add task: Enter a task with an optional priority setting. Syncing with Google C[...]

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      Utilities 74 Changing calendar type At the top of the scr een, selec t one from among diff erent types of calendars including month, week, and others. Searching f or ev ents or tasks T ap → Search , and then enter a keywor d to search f or . T o view toda y ’ s ev ents or tasks, tap T oday at the top of the scr een. Deleting ev ents or tasks Se[...]

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      Utilities 75 Clock Use this application to set alarms , check the time of many major cities in the world, measur e the duration of an ev ent, or set a timer . T ap Clock on the Applications screen. T urn this alarm on or off . Alarm Setting alarms T ap , set a time for the alarm to go off , selec t days f or the alar m to r epeat, and then tap Done[...]

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      Utilities 76 W orld clock Crea ting clocks T ap and enter a city name or selec t a city from the cities list. Deleting clocks T ap → Delete , select alarms, and then tap Done . Stopwatch T ap Star t to time an even t. T ap Lap to rec ord lap times. T ap Reset to clear lap time rec ords. T imer Set the duration, and then tap Star t . Drag outside [...]

    • Page 77: Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H

      Utilities 77 V oic e R ec order Use this application to r ecord or play v oice memos. T ap V oice Recor der on the Applications screen. Recor ding voice memos T ap to start recording . Speak into the microphone at the bott om of the device. T ap to pause recording . T ap to finish rec ording. Acc ess additional options. Display the list of voic e m[...]

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      Utilities 78 Managing v oice memos In the list of voice memos, tap → Selec t , select voice memos, and select one of the follo wing:  : Selec t voic e memos to send, and then select a sharing method.  : Selec t voic e memos to delete .  → Rename: Rename the voice memo .  → Set as: Set the voice memo as a ringtone . ?[...]

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      Utilities 79 Google Now Launch Google search to view Google Now car ds that show the current wea ther , public transit inf o , your next appointment, and mor e when you ar e most likely to need it. Join Google Now when opening Google search f or the first time. T o change Google Now settings, tap → Settings , and then drag the Google Now switch t[...]

    • Page 80: Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H

      Utilities 80 T ap → Selec t item , select a file or folder , and then use one of the following functions:  : Send files to others or share them.  : Delete files or folders .  → M ove: Move files or f olders to another folder .  → Cop y: Cop y files or folders to another f older .  → Rename: Rename a file or [...]

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      Utilities 81 Downloads Use this application to see wha t files are downloaded thr ough the applications. T ap Downloads on the Applications screen. This application ma y not be available depending on the r egion or ser vice pr ovider . Selec t a file to open it with an appr opriate application. T o sort the files by date, tap → Sor t by → Date [...]

    • Page 82: Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H

      82 T r av el & local Maps Use this application to pinpoin t the location of the device , search f or places, or get directions. T ap Maps on the Applications screen. This application ma y not be available depending on the r egion or ser vice pr ovider . Searching f or locations Search for loca tions by entering an addr ess or a key word . Once [...]

    • Page 83: Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H

      83 Settings About Settings Use this application to c onfigure the device, set application options , and add accounts. T ap Settings on the Applications screen. Suppor ted f eatures ma y differ or be labelled diff erently depending on whether your device is a single or dual SIM model. Wi - Fi Activate the Wi-F i featur e to connect to a Wi-F i netwo[...]

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      Settings 84 Setting Net w ork notification The device can det ect open Wi-F i networks and display an icon on the sta tus bar to notify when available . On the Settings screen, tap Wi - Fi → → Adv anced and tick Network notification to activate this featur e. W i-F i D irect Wi-F i Direct connects two devices directly via a Wi-F i network witho[...]

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      Settings 85 F light mode This disables all wireless functions on your devic e. Y ou can use only non-network services. Data usage Keep track of your da ta usage amount, and customise the settings f or the limitation.  Mobile data: Set the device to use data connections on any mobile network.  Set mobile data limit: Set a limit for the[...]

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      Settings 86 More netw orks Cust omise settings to contr ol net works. Default messaging app Selec t the default application to use f or messaging. VPN Set up and connect to vir tual private networks (VPNs). Mobile networks  Mobile data: Use to allo w packet switching data networks f or network ser vices.  Data roaming: Set the device[...]

    • Page 87: Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H

      Settings 87 L ock screen Change settings for the locked scr een.  Screen lock: Activate the scr een lock feature . The following options ma y var y depending on the screen lock f eature selected.  Dual clock: Set the device to show the dual clock on the locked scr een.  Show dat e: Set the device to show the dat e with the cloc[...]

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      Settings 88 Display Change the settings for the displa y .  W allpaper:  – Home screen: Selec t a backgr ound image for the Home scr een.  – Lock scr een: Selec t a backgr ound image for the locked scr een.  – Home and lock screens: Selec t a backgr ound image for the Home scr een and the locked screen.  Notification [...]

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      Settings 89 Call Cust omise the settings for calling f eatures.  Set up call reject messages: Add or edit the message sent when y ou reject a call.  Answ ering/ending calls:  – The home ke y answers calls: Set the device to answer a call when y ou press the Home button.  – The po wer ke y ends calls: Set the device to end [...]

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      Settings 90 St orage View memory information for y our device and memor y card, or f ormat a memor y card. F ormatting a memor y card permanently deletes all data fr om it. The actual available capacity of the internal memor y is less than the specified capacity because the operating system and default applications oc cupy par t of the memor y . Th[...]

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      Settings 91 Applica tion manager View and manage the applica tions on your device . L ocation Change settings for location inf ormation permissions.  Mode: Selec t a method to collect your loca tion data.  RECENT L OCA TION REQUEST S: View which applications r equest your current location information and their batt er y usage.  [...]

    • Page 92: Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H

      Settings 92  SIM Change Alert: Activate or deactivate the F ind my mobile f eature which helps locate the device when lost or stolen.  Go to websit e: Ac cess the F ind my mobile websit e (findmymobile Y ou can track and contr ol your lost or stolen device on the F ind my mobile w ebsite.  Set up SIM card lock:[...]

    • Page 93: Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H

      Settings 93 Default Selec t a default keyboard type f or text input. Samsung keyboar d T o change the Samsung keyboard settings , tap . The av ailable options may vary depending on the region or ser vice pro vider .  English(UK) : Change the keyboard la yout.  Selec t input languages: Selec t languages f or text input.  Pr edicti[...]

    • Page 94: Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H

      Settings 94 Google voic e t yping T o change the v oice input settings, tap .  Choose input languages: Selec t input languages f or text input.  Block offensiv e words: Set the device to prev ent the device from rec ognising offensive wor ds in voice inputs . V oice sear ch  Language: Selec t a language f or the voice r ecognit[...]

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      Settings 95 Backup and reset Change the settings for manag ing settings and data.  Back up my da ta: Set the device to back up settings and application data t o the Google ser ver .  Backup accoun t: Set up or edit your Google backup account.  Aut omatic rest ore: Set the device to rest ore settings and application data when th[...]

    • Page 96: Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H

      Settings 96 A cc essibility Ac cessibility ser vices are special f eatures for those with certain physical disabilities . Access and aler t the follo wing settings to impro ve accessibility to the device .  Aut o rotat e screen: Set the inter face to r otate automa tically when you r otate the device .  Screen timeout: Set the length [...]

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      Settings 97  Flash notifica tion: Set the flash to blink when you ha ve incoming calls , new messages, or notifications.  T urn off all sounds: Mute all device sounds .  Mono audio: Enable mono sound when listening to audio with one earbud .  T ap and hold delay: Set the recognition time f or tapping and holding the scre[...]

    • Page 98: Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H

      98 T r oubleshooting Befor e contacting a Samsung Ser vice Centre , please attempt the follo wing solutions. Some situations may not apply t o your device . When y ou turn on your devic e or while you ar e using the device , it prompts y ou to enter one of the f ollowing codes:  P assword: When the device lock f eature is enabled, y ou must e[...]

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      T roubleshooting 99 The t ouch screen r esponds slowly or improperly  If you attach a prot ective cov er or optional accessories to the t ouch screen, the touch screen ma y not function properly .  If you are w earing gloves , if your hands are not clean while touching the touch scr een, or if you tap the scr een with sharp objec ts or [...]

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      T roubleshooting 100 Sound echoes during a call Adjust the v olume by pressing the V olume button or move t o another area. A cellular netw ork or the Internet is often disconnected or audio quality is poor  Ensure that y ou are not block ing the device ’ s internal ant enna.  When you ar e in areas with weak signals or poor r eceptio[...]

    • Page 101: Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H

      T roubleshooting 101 Y our device is hot t o the touch When you use applica tions that requir e more power or use applications on y our device for an extended period of time, your devic e may f eel hot to the touch. This is normal and should not affect your device ’ s lif espan or per formanc e. Error messages appear when launching the camer a Y [...]

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      T roubleshooting 102  Y our device suppor ts photos and videos captured with the device . Photos and videos captured by other devic es may not work properly .  Y our device suppor ts multimedia files that are authorised by your network service provider or pr oviders of additional ser vices. Some cont ent circula ted on the Internet, suc[...]

    • Page 103: Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H

      T roubleshooting 103 Data stor ed on the device has been lost Alway s make backup copies of all impor tant data stor ed on the device. Other wise, you cannot restor e data if it is corrupted or lost. Samsung is not responsible f or the loss of data stored on the devic e. A small gap appears around the outside of the devic e case  This gap is [...]

    • Page 104: Samsung Galaxy Core 2 SM-G355H

      English (EU). 07/2014. Rev .1.0 Some content ma y differ from your devic e depending on the region, ser vice pro vider , or soft war e version, and is subject to change without prior notice. ww w .samsung.c om[...]

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      Огромное Вам СПАСИБО за очень полезную информацию в статье. Очень понятно все изложено. Чувствуется, что проделана большая работа по анализу работы магазина eBay

      • Спасибо вам и другим постоянным читателям моего блога. Без вас у меня не было бы достаточной мотивации, чтобы посвящать много времени ведению этого сайта. У меня мозги так устроены: люблю копнуть вглубь, систематизировать разрозненные данные, пробовать то, что раньше до меня никто не делал, либо не смотрел под таким углом зрения. Жаль, что только нашим соотечественникам из-за кризиса в России отнюдь не до шоппинга на eBay. Покупают на Алиэкспрессе из Китая, так как там в разы дешевле товары (часто в ущерб качеству). Но онлайн-аукционы eBay, Amazon, ETSY легко дадут китайцам фору по ассортименту брендовых вещей, винтажных вещей, ручной работы и разных этнических товаров.

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          В ваших статьях ценно именно ваше личное отношение и анализ темы. Вы этот блог не бросайте, я сюда часто заглядываю. Нас таких много должно быть. Мне на эл. почту пришло недавно предложение о том, что научат торговать на Амазоне и eBay. И я вспомнила про ваши подробные статьи об этих торг. площ. Перечитала все заново и сделала вывод, что курсы- это лохотрон. Сама на eBay еще ничего не покупала. Я не из России , а из Казахстана (г. Алматы). Но нам тоже лишних трат пока не надо. Желаю вам удачи и берегите себя в азиатских краях.

    • Еще приятно, что попытки eBay по руссификации интерфейса для пользователей из России и стран СНГ, начали приносить плоды. Ведь подавляющая часть граждан стран бывшего СССР не сильна познаниями иностранных языков. Английский язык знают не более 5% населения. Среди молодежи — побольше. Поэтому хотя бы интерфейс на русском языке — это большая помощь для онлайн-шоппинга на этой торговой площадке. Ебей не пошел по пути китайского собрата Алиэкспресс, где совершается машинный (очень корявый и непонятный, местами вызывающий смех) перевод описания товаров. Надеюсь, что на более продвинутом этапе развития искусственного интеллекта станет реальностью качественный машинный перевод с любого языка на любой за считанные доли секунды. Пока имеем вот что (профиль одного из продавцов на ебей с русским интерфейсом, но англоязычным описанием):